
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together

Yr 5 Apple Picking

Yr 5 Apple pick

Last month Willow class from Sherston Primary School (year 5) took a walk with their teacher Miss Corrick and the support of FSS members, to collect from a bountiful crop of this year’s crab apples.

Helen & Andy Shoubridge kindly welcomed Willow Class into their beautiful garden, adjacent to the recreation ground.  

Last year the tree bore a fair crop of fruit, which the Sherston Brownies collected from.  

This was nothing compared to the yield from this year, keeping Willow Class busy collecting for some time. 

It was not anticipated that we would fill what we took to transport the apples back to school! This the pupils of Willow class did proudly and competently, refusing all offers of help to carry the heavy load on the walk back to school.

That evening the apples were taken to Tracklements for weighing and storage and the class were rewarded with a whopping 40kg total collected towards the ever growing target of 300kg.

The tree still has many apples yet to drop, so we are hopeful for another collection before the picking deadline on 18th October.
