All our efforts and energy go towards something we passionately believe in – supporting the school to deliver an outstanding experience for our children.
Every penny we raise goes towards funding extra educational activities and equipment for the children to enhance their learning and development. We also help fund large projects that would otherwise not be realised due to the limits of government funding.
Over the last year the results of our fundraising efforts have enabled us to support the school across a variety of areas, from funding school trips and supplying multi-media learning resources, to purchasing new tablets.
The financial support we provide is a big part of what we do, but our aim is to also add to the life of the school and community. We work closely with the school and other local groups to offer many extra-curricular activities for our children to enjoy throughout the school year. These include events such as our famous fab family shows, movie nights and school disco to name but a few – all firm favourites in the social calendars of all the year groups.
Find out about our upcoming fundraising events on our Events page. We’d love you to join us in supporting our school to deliver an outstanding learning and development experience for our children. Find out how you can get involved on our Join Us page.
The Friends of Sherston School is a registered charity (no 1050589)