
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together

Year One/Two - Rowan

Welcome to Rowan Class!


Mr Moran - Class Teacher

Mrs Boulton - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Liddington - PPA cover (Monday PM)

Mrs Liddington- Management cover (Tuesday PM)


Term 3 2025

Our Topic for this term is:




This term we will learn about a number of famous explorers and think about what character traits they needed as well as how they completed their journeys. We will write about a fantastical journey to the Moon and look at vehicles and explore how the work.



P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday - please send children to school in their PE kits on these days.


Please send in Reading Books every day.  They will be changed on a Monday (Year 1) and Friday (Year 2).


Spellings will be given out on a Friday and we will have a spelling check the following Friday.


Phonics Presentation 2024
