Every Friday we will have a spelling test. Each week the children will receive 5 new words from the list below. The list is organised in the order of the spellings. The children will be tested on those 5 words and up to 15 words from the previous weeks. The aim of this is to help the children retain their spelling knowledge so they can apply it in their own writing.
There will be activities set on Mathletics. These will link to our learning in class or are revision of previously taught skills. Live Mathletics is an excellent way to reinforce mental maths skills.
Times Table Rockstars is great for learning times table facts. Please continue to practise times tables including division facts as this will help with many of the year 4 and 5 maths objectives.
Below are some key skills that you may wish to reinforce at home in addition to using Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars.