
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together


The school's Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mr Tommy Towers

The Deputy Safeguarding Lead is Mr Dean Moran & Miss Emma Corrick

Nominated Governor for Safeguarding is Becky Fisher


If you are concerned about a child's safety outside of school hours contact the MASH (Wiltshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 0300 4560100

  • Monday to Thursday 5pm to midnight, Friday 4pm to midnight
  • weekends and Bank Holidays from 9am - midnight
  • phones are diverted to the Social Work Standby Service from midnight to 9am (7 days a week)


If there is immediate danger, phone the police or emergency services on 999


For our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, please click here to visit our policies page. 
