Welcome to Year 6!
Our topic this term concerns how changing patterns of weather at different locations around the world are impacting on the lives of real people. We will focus on the personal stories of people whose lives are being impacted upon by changes in the usual weather patterns.
We will also look at what we can do here and now to tackle what is surely one of the greatest issues confronting us.
PE days this term are Mondays and Fridays - please come to school in appropriate school PE kit.
Homework is set a little differently in Y6 compared to the other classes, in preparation for the transition to secondary school where they will need to be more self-sufficient and organised.
Therefore homework will be set on Monday and due in on the Thursday.
This homework will sometimes take the form of Mathletics tasks (if there are issues around accessing this at home we can make other arrangements).
Useful information and resources
Reading ideas: