
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together


Welcome from The Governing Body


Sherston CofE Primary School is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where every child can learn, grow, and thrive. "Learning, Caring and Achieving Together" is at the foundation of its educational philosophy, emphasising not only academic success but also the holistic well-being and confidence of every student.


As Governors, it is our responsibility to support and challenge the school to ensure that this commitment is carried out effectively and that every child can thrive. The three key areas of focus for governance are the setting of vision and strategy, holding the school to account to make sure every child has the best possible education and to oversee the financial performance to make sure its money is well spent. This is always done from the perspective of strong support and commitment to the School's vision and goals.


We are very lucky to have a very proactive and skilled Board of Governors which is made up of individuals that represent the school staff; parents; the Diocese and the local community and consists of:


  • 2 Parent Governors

  • 1 Local Authority Governor

  • 2 Staff Governors (including the Headteacher)

  • 4 Co-opted Governors

  • 2 Foundation Governors.


Between us we have expertise in Education, Finance, Safeguarding, Marketing, Legal, Monitoring and Technology so are well placed to ensure effective Governance at the School.


We visit the school regularly to gain better understanding of the Curriculum and Learning Walks are regularly carried out to track progress of the school's learning goals. We also schedule compliance monitoring visits and our Safeguarding Governor works closely with the Headteacher to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We have a very experienced SEND Governor who meets regularly with the School's INCO to monitor the implementation of the SEND policy and develop a clear and accurate understanding of the provision made for pupils with SEND and those eligible for the pupil premium grant.


Our Finance Committee work closely with the Headteacher and School Business Manager to oversee the school's financial performance and identify potential risks. We also have a Pay Panel Committee to set and implement the Pay Policy for the school. 


The full Governing Body meet 6 times a year, with the various sub committees additionally meeting regularly throughout the year. You can view the committee structure and meet all the Governors here. You can also find out what we have been up to in our Newsletters.


Full Governing Body Meetings for 2024/25 are as follows:


18-09-24  17.45

04-12-24  17.45

05-02-25 17.45

26-03-25  17.45

15-05-25  17.45

09-07-25 17.45



Approved minutes of the most recent Governing Body meetings are available to view here.

Please note that the Governors do not have any involvement in the day to day running of the school. Therefore if you have any issues that you wish to raise about your child, then you should initially contact your child’s teacher. If you are not satisfied with the response, then you should speak to one of the Senior Management Team (Mr Towers or Mr Moran). If you are still not happy with the situation, then you should utilise the complaints procedure. Details of the procedure are available from the school and in the Key Information section of this website.


We adopted a Governors Code of Conduct which sets out how we will carry out our functions and seek to promote principles of good governance at Sherston School. The Code is available on this link.

Contact the Governors

Should you wish to contact the governors, please do so in writing via the School Office on 01666 840237 or 


Who does what 

Meet the Board of Governors and find out who does what.


For more information on the role of a Governing Body visit




