
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together

Clubs & Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care Provision, Daytime & After School Clubs


At Sherston Primary we understand the importance of reliable, flexible childcare that meets the diverse needs of our families. Our programs are structured to provide consistency and peace of mind, knowing that children are in a secure, nurturing and stimulating environment before and after school hours. 


Our before and after school clubs are designed to support our parents' busy schedules while providing a seamless extension of the high-quality care and education the children receive during the school day. Children have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that promote creativity, physical fitness, and social skills.  From arts and crafts to sports and learning support, our dedicated staff are here to ensure that every child finds something they love and feels valued and supported.


Our Wraparound Care & Clubs Handbook is designed to help you make the most of our offering.

It includes:

  • Details of our wraparound care provision, daytime and after school clubs
  • An overview of what's on offer for term 3 & 4 (Tuesday 7th January - Friday 4th April)
  • How to book and pay for clubs via our ParentPay Clubs booking system
  • How to pay for wraparound care using Tax-Free Childcare (further information is also available in the below 'Parents Guide to Tax-Free Childcare'
  • Booking terms  - ad hoc bookings, refunds and what to do if you've missed the deadline
  • FAQs

If you require further support or information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at:
