
Sherston C of E

Primary School

Learning, Caring and Achieving Together

Year Four/Five - Willow

Welcome to Willow Class


Class Teacher- Miss Corrick

Teaching Assistants-  Mrs Ormiston (am)

PPA Cover: Miss Linda (Tuesday)

Term 1


Our topic this term is The Normans


Further information can be found under Parent Information: Curriculum

Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday.

Please come to school in your PE kit on these days (white t-shirt, dark blue or black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, trainers and a school jumper or school hoodie - polite reminder that school hoodies are part of the PE kit only).


Each day remember to bring:

  • a waterproof coat
  • a water bottle (water only please)
  • a healthy snack if you want one (nut free)
  • a packed lunch (unless a school dinner has been booked)
  • A sunhat (if sunny)

Please make sure all your belongings are clearly named. 

If the weather is sunny, please apply a long lasting sun cream to your child before the school day. 
