Our spring & summer lunch menu is live on ParentPay and ready for term 4 bookings (Monday 24th February - Friday 4th April).
The weekly booking deadline is Wednesday at 9pm. A whole term can be booked up-front and changes can be made to bookings across the term (before the weekly booking deadline).
A hot main and vegetarian meal choice is available every day, along with lighter lunch options: classic tomato pasta or jacket potatoes with a choice of beans, cheese or tuna (filling chosen on the day). Accompanying fresh veg and dessert options are also chosen on the day.
Did you Know?
Please read the below guide for all the information you need to make school lunch bookings.
All pupils between reception and year 2 automatically receive Universal Infant Free School Meals (UiFSM). If your child is in year 3 or above, find out if they could still qualify for a free school meal on the Wiltshire Council website.
Some pupils from lower income households, who are entitled to UiFSM, will also be able to benefit from extra funding towards their child’s education. This is called Pupil premium funding and you apply for it in the same way as applying for Free School Meals. Please come and see us in the office if you would like any help with the application process.
You'll find more information about how we support our Pupil Premium children here.
If your child requires a special diet due to allergies or medical condition, please complete the Special Diets Registration form our our caterers, Edwards & Ward's website. E&W are happy to provide allergen information, nutrition counts or adapted menus for any child registered as having a diagnosed allergy, intolerance or medical condition.